Another day of staycation, and another day of riding. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and it's true. I'm like an 8 year old with his first BMX and all the time in the world to play in my favorite haunts. So today I took myself off to China Camp for a solo ride. None of my usual cohorts could make it as it's a school day. China' was bone dry, dusty and practically empty of anything apart from countless lizards scurrying frantically away from the Nomad's nobblies.

Great fun. Not without it's spills though. Whilst descending the "Hitler" trail I went - quite suddenly - from a shit eating grin to, well, eating shit. Two big strips of flesh gouged from my leg. Still, all this MTB fun comes with a price and the trail gods do demand the odd blood offering. Mine was overdue.
China Camp is so much fun. And beautiful. Endless sweeping singletrack ripped to the soundtrack of birdsong and freehub clatter. There really is nothing better for the soul. Tomorrow, it's a Skegg Shred with In Soo, then Sunday a trip to Annadel. A warm up for the race in a couple of week's time. Aah, NorCal trails.... getting back on them is like slipping into a hot bath filled with joy ;o)
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