Yep. Another weekend draws to a close and I spent most of it riding. Fantastic. I'm loving being back in Cali'. Especially as the weather is so predictably gorgeous and the trails are hot and dusty. Not ideal conditions for riding, but I love it. Makes me realise I'm in the great outdoors and enjoying it's fruits. Anyway, Saturday me, Rosson and Spangles headed over to the Java Hut to meet Mike, Adam and Sam for an up and over Pine Mountain, followed by Tamarancho. These boys ride fast (as I've mentioned everytime I've ridden with them.) So it was a good chance to gain a bit more fitness back. The ride was great fun. Pine Mountain threw up it's usual challenges : brutal climbs and loose, rocky descents. Spangles paid homage to last year's face smash by.... smashing his face again. This time we bypassed the emergency room and stuck to uploading pictures of his wounded fissog to Facespace.

Sunday I met up with In Soo and Zach for a blast around Skeggs. We took the now favourite Blue Blossom trail, but some misdirection meant we missed out the awesome Crosscut trail and instead took Gordon Mill..... which is fine, except it ends with a bitch of a climb up to Salamander. Knowing we'd opted for soul sapping anaerobic torture in favour of sloppy grin descent was a real pisser. But that was soon forgotten when we hit South Leaf and Virginia Mill. Such an amazing roller coaster ride. Gets my heart singing with glee everytime.
Next weekend it's the Bike Monkey Annadel Race. I was all set to do it. I even felt pretty confident I'd do much better than last year. But I have a date with the dentist on Friday to have my wisdom teeth yanked out. Apparently it's not a good idea to mix a belly full of vicodin and a mouth full of bleeding holes with 26 miles of strenuous riding. Ah well. There's always Downieville. 3 weeks and counting.....
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