Sunday, 2 June 2013

Staycation's End

Today was the last day of a week long staycation. Well deserved, even if I do say so myself. A breather in between working long hours on summer blockbusters and going to far flung places to photograph stuff for movies. All good fun, but its nice being able to take a week off, enjoy the sunshine and spend some quality time on two wheels.

After hitting the local haunts, China Camp, Rancho, the Flow Trail and Annadel I took the Jackal out for some urban cruising. I love that little blue fecker. So agile and fun, I find it hard to discipline myself and try to learn trials tricks on it. Instead I end up regressing into a child like state of play, always on the look out for a curb to hop.

I'm off somewhere foreign next week. When I return, Northstar should be in full swing and it'll be time to christen the Glory on it's rocky, dusty chutes. I can't wait!

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