Monday, 24 February 2014

Mo' GoPro

Here's some more GoPro movie magic. This time its me and Jaime riding Annadel's South and North Burma trails. Whilst the videos might not quite capture the thrilling speeds (I'm convinced) we hit, they do at least show how utterly lush NorCal is at this time of year. We're truly spoiled!

>>>South Burma Video <<<<<      >>>>>North Burma Video <<<<<<   >>>>>Lawndale Video<<<<<

**Remember to set the youTube player to HD**

Sunday, 23 February 2014


I've had the Jackal about a year and a half now. I originally bought it to help me get some extra riding in each week and master some new skills, namely manuals, bunny hopping and low speed two wheel control. Well, my trackstands have come on a treat, and my hopping is getting better, but I still can't manual. The problem is, when I get on the lovely blue fecker, I just want to cruise around and enjoy the feeling of child-like freedom this bike invokes. Still, I'll plug away and hopefully one day I'll be riding one wheeled through the Marina. Until then, here's a lovely picture of the Jackal in its natural environment (taken when I should've been practicing on it.)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sleeping Beauty

There are many things I love about Mountain Biking. One of them is it segues so nicely into my other passion - taking pictures. Being out in the beautiful outdoors offers plenty of opportunity to grab snaps. Most of them are missed in the blur and frenzy of riding hard and losing myself in the flow, but every now and again I come across some treasure and get the chance to photograph it.

This lovely old carcass is just off one of the trails at Water Dog. Me and Chris were out there today figuring out a good loop to ride. I'd love to know this car's story, but until then I'll just enjoy capturing it bathed in glorious Californian sun.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

GoPro Shizzle

I rarely bother with the GoPro. Stuff never looks as big or as fast as it is in real life (an excuse used by most people with GoPros showing friends and loved ones the "gnarly shit" that looks like a small rockery when viewed later.) But I do like to dust it off once in a while and grab some snaps with it. Here are a few from this Saturday's Rancho blast with Eric, Chris and Simon. A typical NorCal winter's day.... Crazy how beautiful and sunny it is right now.

I also filmed me and Chris hitting the last descent of the loop. It can be seen :